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(c) 2020 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Garland Sarcophagus
(c) 2020 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
(c) 2020 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston

Garland Sarcophagus

Dateabout 250
Place MadeAnatolia, Ancient & Byzantine World-Asia
MediumPossibly Phrygian marble
Dimensions44.1 x 122.6 x 55.2 cm (17 3/8 x 48 1/4 x 21 3/4 in.)
ClassificationsFunerary Containers
Credit LineIsabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Accession numberS5c3
eMuseum ID730499
EmbARK ObjectID11261
TMS Source ID503
Last Updated11/8/24
Not on view
Web CommentaryInside the Courtyard is perhaps the most poignant piece of funeral sculpture in the collection: a child's sarcophagus of about CE 250, decorated with garlands, which many interpret as a nod to Isabella's own son, Jackie, who died in early childhood.  It stands at the very center of the Courtyard, at the foot of the Medusa mosaic.  By positioning this small sarcophagus, the Farnese Sarcophagus, and the Islamic tombstone in and around the garden of the Courtyard, Gardner echoed the nineteenth-century invention of landscaped cemeteries with elaborately carved monuments and mausoleums that invoke ancient architectural styles.
BibliographyNotesGilbert Wendel Longstreet and Morris Carter. General Catalogue (Boston, 1935), p. 44. (as Roman, 2nd century [AD]; limestone)
Karl Lehmann-Hartleben. Dionysiac Sarcophagi in Baltimore (Baltimore, 1942), p. 69, figs. 23, 26. (as Roman, a style transitioning from Hadrianic to Antonine; the portrait bust as 3rd century, made later than the majority of the sarcophagus; Greek island marble)
F. Matz. Ein Römisches Meisterwerk: Der Jahreszeitensarkophag Badminton--New York, Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Neunzehntes Ergänzungsheft (Berlin, 1958), p. 51, fig. 26. (Eastern, Asia Minor)
Cornelius C. Vermeule III. "Roman Sarcophagi in America: A Short Inventory" in Philipp von Zabern (ed.). Festschrift für Friedrich Matz (Mainz, 1962), pp. 89-109, no. 1. (as about 250 AD)
R. Turcan. Les Sarcophages romains a représentations dionysiaques. Essai de chronologie et d'histoire religieuse (Paris, 1966), p. 69, no. 2.
Cornelius C. Vermeule III et al. Sculpture in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (Boston, 1977), pp. 46-47, no. 63. (as Greek imperial period, western Asia Minor type, about 250 AD; limestone)
Cornelius C. Vermeule III. "The Mosaic from Montebello near Rome: An Early Manifestation of the Seasons in Roman Imperial Art." Fenway Court (1981), p. 25, fig. 9. (as Greek imperial, western Asia Minor type, about 250 AD; limestone)
Janet Huskinson. Roman Children's Sarcophagi: Their Decoration and Its Social Significance (London, 1996), p. 22.
Alan Chong et al. (eds.) Eye of the Beholder: Masterpieces from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (Boston, 2003), p. 2.
ProvenanceNotesPurchased by Isabella Stewart Gardner's husband, John L. Gardner, Jr. (1837-1898), from the art dealers Antonio and Alessandro Jandolo, Rome with six other small antique sculptures (including museum no. S5s19) for a total of 5,000 francs on about 1 November 1897, through the art dealer Saturnino Innocenti.
(c) 2021 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
19th century
(c) 2017 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
3rd century
(c) 2019 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
about 125
(c) 2023 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
3rd century and 1300-1350
(c) 2018 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
about 225
Fragment of a Sarcophagus
3rd century
Fragment of a Sarcophagus
3rd century
Fragment of a Sarcophagus
2nd century - 3rd century