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Robert George Collier Proctor

Artist Info
Robert George Collier ProctorDevon, 1868 - 1903, Austria

LC name authoirty rec. n86017055

LC heading:Proctor, Robert, 1868-1903

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography:

Proctor, Robert George Collier (1868–1903), bibliographer.

"...In 1886 he won an open classical scholarship at Corpus Christi College, Oxford; matriculated at the university in October; graduated BA in 1890. As an undergraduate, Proctor engaged in antiquarian research; a visit to Greece stimulated his archaeological interests; prepared a catalogue of the Corpus incunabula and printed books up to 1600; rearranged the incunabula at the British Museum. Lived at Wimbledon from the autumn of 1893 to the summer of 1897, when he and his mother moved to a new house at Oxshott. At the British Museum he soon became a leading expert on early typography. On 29 August 1903 he left London for a solitary walking tour in the Austrian Tyrol; reached the Taschach hut in the Pitzthal on 5 September and left to cross a glacier pass without a guide. Nothing more was heard of him; he doubtless perished in a crevasse. For the major collections of the world today 'Proctor order' is still followed; the books are arranged and described in order of country of origin, then of town, then of printer, in chronological order."

(Rhodes, Dennis E.. “Proctor, Robert George Collier (1868–1903).” Dennis E. Rhodes In Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, online ed., edited by Lawrence Goldman. Oxford: OUP, 2004. Accessed July 20,2016.

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