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Arthur Byne

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Arthur Byne1883 - 1935

LC name authority rec. nn84116238

LC Heading: Byne, Arthur, 1883-1935


Architect, painter, writer

s. William A. and Ann (Klauder) B.; grad. Sch. of Architecture, U. of Pa., 1905; student Am. Acad. in Rome, 1906-07; m. Mildred Stapley, 1910. Designer with Howells & Stokes, N.Y. City, 1908-14; curator of Mus. of Hispanic Soc. America, 1914-18; lived in Spain, 1916—. Exhibited water colors, New York and Madrid. Silver medal, San Francisco Expn., 1915; Gran Cruz del Merito Militar (Spain). Mem. Architectural League (New York); hon. mem. A.I.A. Author: (with wife) Spanish Ironwork, 1914; Rejeria of the Spanish Renaissance, 1915; Spanish Architecture of the Sixteenth Century, 1916; Decorated Wooden Ceilings in Spain, 1917; Spanish Interiors and Furniture, 1920, 28; Provincial Houses in Spain, 1924; Spanish Gardens and Patios, 1924; Majorcan Houses and Gardens, 1928. Home: Madrid, Spain. Death: Died July 1935.

("Byne, Arthur". 2009. In Marquis Who Was Who in America 1607-1984, MarquisWho'sWho. New Providence: Marquis Who's Who LLC. Accessed September 2015.

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