Jean-Baptiste Massillon
LC name authority rec. nr88004319
LC Heading: Massillon, Jean-Baptiste, 1663-1742
BnF notice nFRBNF12133696
Oratorien. - Prêtre (1691) et prédicateur. - Évêque de Clermont (en 1717). - Membre de l'Institut, Académie française (élu en 1718)
French preacher. He was a popular preacher at the court of Versailles. His sermons are moralizing and philosophical rather than dogmatic. He became bishop of Clermont in 1717.
He was born in Hyeres. He is best known for a course of Advent sermons, 1699, two courses of Lenten sermons (the Grand Careme, 1701, and the Petit Careme, 1718), and his funeral oration on Louis XIV (1715).
("Massillon, Jean-baptiste (1663-1742)". 2015. In The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide. Abington: Helicon., accessed April 2016)