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Grace Edith Barnes

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Grace Edith Barnesactive New York, about 1896 - about 1920

life dates unknown—studio manager/secretary/executor to John LaFarge’s estate

see "John La Farge, A Biographical and Critical Study " By James L. Yarnall (2012)

"A secretary by training, Grace Edith Barnes worked in the background for several years before assuming the role of studio manager left vacant by Bancel's departure in 1900. She became dedicated to La Farge, overseeing his speaking tours, writing career, exhibitions, and sales. (34) She and Awoki alternated as valet, taking care of the artist's personal needs. Barnes also persuaded the artist to review the cast contents of his studio, filled up with sixty thousand drawings, photographs, and other parphernalia. (35)... Like Bancel, Barnes found herslef ensared in the artist's web of debt. She staved off La Farge's bankruptcy by forgoing salary and lending him money. In late 1908 she threatened to quit and took time off to discuss her plight with Bancel in Europe... Barnes came back sometime in April-but not until La Farge signed over power of attorney and held auctions to reimburse her. She became his sole executor, securing title to his manuscripts, artworks, and other property after his death.... After the artist died, Barnes retained one room at the Tenth Street Studio Building as an office for managing the estate. She spent up to a decade headquartered there resolving the legal and financial issues left in La Farge's wake. (41)

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(c) 2017 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Grace Edith Barnes
7 January 1915
(c) 2017 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Grace Edith Barnes
26 January 1922
(c) 2017 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Grace Edith Barnes
early 20th century
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