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Paul Hunt

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Paul Huntdied 1949, Boston

Couldn't find authority record. E. Reluga 10/19/2017

son of William Morris Hunt?

On December 8, 1939, 142 Marlborough was acquired from Charles Lynde, Jr., by Paul Hunt as trustee of a trust established for his benefit and the benefit of his son, William Morris Hunt. Paul Hunt was the son of artist William Morris Hunt and his wife, Louisa Dumaresq (Perkins) Hunt. He was an architect and builder. He and his wife, Charlotte Susan (McCracken) Hunt, lived in an apartment at 322 Beacon.

In January of 1940, Paul Hunt applied for (and subsequently received) permission to convert the property from a two-family dwelling into ten apartments.

Charlotte Hunt died in April of 1942 and Paul Hunt moved to Brookline, where he died in August of 1949. 142 Marlborough continued to be owned by Hunt trust, of which William Morris Hunt became trustee and beneficiary. On May 17, 1956, he transferred the property to Lillian B. Moulton to his use. accessed 10/19/2017

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