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Kenneth McKenzie

Artist Info
Kenneth McKenzieCambridge, Massachusetts, 1870 - 1949

Kenneth McKenzie (born July 24, 1870 in Cambridge, Massachusetts) was an American novelist and Italianist.

McKenzie - son of a Harvard pastor - studied from 1891 with Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) and Edward Stevens Sheldon (1851-1925). He was promoted in 1895 at Harvard University with the work The development of Italian lyric poetry before the rise of the Dolce Stilnuovo.

From 1900, McKenzie was an instructor, then assistant professor of Romance languages at Yale University, from 1915 professor at the University of Illinois and, most recently, at Princeton University. He was the founding president of the American Association of Teachers of Italian.

wikipedia, accessed 10/20/2017

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