Susan Greene Dexter
Boston, 1840 - 1924, Boston
F. Gordon Dexter was a shipping merchant and another early investor in the Union Pacific Railroad. Charles Amory was treasurer of a textile mill.
In 1872, the Dexters moved to 55 Beacon, which had been the home of historian William Hickling Prescott, F. Gordon Dexter’s maternal uncle, and his wife Susannah (Amory) Prescott, Susan (Amory) Dexter’s paternal aunt. Charles and Martha Amory moved to 198 Beacon. F. Gordon Dexter continued to own 9 Marlborough and lease it to others.
Person TypeIndividual
Last Updated8/7/24
Dexter, 1875 - 1967, Boston
Kharkov, Ukraine, 1863 - 1945, New York
Rochester, New York, 1880 - 1954
Boston, 1881 - 1968, Palm Beach, Florida