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Fredrick Robert Martin

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Fredrick Robert MartinStockholm, 1868 - 1933, Cairo

Swedish consul, Zorn's friend

Fredrik Robert Martin

Born: May 8, 1868, Jakob

Died: April 19, 1933, Cairo, Egypt

Books: The Miniature Paintings and Painters of Persia, India and Turkey from the 8th to the 18th Century I.S. 12/28/2017

Fredrik Robert Martin , born May 8, 1868 in Stockholm , died in 1933 , was an art- industry collector , recognizing especially of Oriental art and culture, brother of Hugo Martin , cousin of Carl Roland Martin and son of Son's son to Roland Martin.

Martin, a philosopher's doctor in Vienna in 1899 , was the laboratory at the National Museum of History 1890 - 1902 and a dragon at the Swedish mission in Constantinople 1904 - 08 . He then settled in Florence . Martin became famous by the interesting and rich collections of Oriental art industry, which he gathered with insight and boldness during extensive and long journeys (to Siberia 1891 - 92 , European Russia , Caucasus and Central Asia 1894 - 95 , Egypt , Asia Minor and Turkey 1895 - 96 , Russia, Turkey with several countries with state grants 1898 - 1903 for the expulsion of Swedish memories, in recent years continual journeys in Europe, Asia Minor and Egypt).

Martin's previous collections have partly been transferred to the National Museum , the Ethnographic Department of the Natural History Museum and individual collectors (Professor Hjalmar Sjögren , Director Carl Robert Lamm et al.). They were exposed to their most important parts at the Stockholm Exhibition in 1897 in a special pavilion. Martins later made collections, among which are sasanidic metal vessels, Egyptian ceramics of all ages, precious Arabic and Persian manuscripts and miniatures (the oldest from the 700-800s), book bands, oriental elderly rugs and other textiles, earthfound Chinese bronzes, rare earth jewelery , was partly exhibited at the great exhibition of Islamic art in Munich in 1910, for which Martin was a commissioner and to whom he, together with Bürkel and Professor Friedrich Sarre , made the plan. In addition, Sarre published Martin 1912 in a stately plot with text about the exhibition, Meisterwerke muhammedanischer Kunst . A major work in English, Persian Miniatures Art , was published in 1912.

L'âge du bronze au musée de Minoussinsk (1893)

Modern Ceramics of Central Asia (1897)

Sibirica (1897)

Thüren aus Turkestan (1897)

Morgenländische Stoffe (1897)

Figurative Persian Fabrics 1500-1650 (1899)

Svenska kungl. gifts for the Russian zen 1647-1699. The silver cat in the empire. the treasury of Moscow (1899)

Ältere Kupferarbeiten aus dem Orient (1902)

A history of oriental carpets before 1800 (1908; a magnificence of exquisite color printing and text, treating even oriental art in general, where the author searches through comparisons with other articles of oriental art to determine a chronology of the carpets and to specify their manufacturing locations)

Martin, 6. Fredrik Robert in the Nordic Family Book (Second Edition, 1912) I.S. 12/28/2017

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(c) 2017 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Fredrick Robert Martin
28 September 1907
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