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André Rostand

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André RostandParis, 1878 - 1965


cannot find more information on an André Rostand who is a playwright.

I.S. 1/5/2018

nephew of Edmond Rostand


André Rostand , born in Paris on March 9 , 1878 and dead the November 16 , 1965, is an agricultural manager, historian , newspaper boss and French politician .


André Marie Rostand is the son of Jules Rostand (1847-1930) and Hélène Gay.

A pupil at the Ecole Militaire de Saint-Cyr , Rostand followed the military career and left Saint-Cyr as a second lieutenant. He took part in the First World War as an officer in the 36th Infantry Regiment . Wounded twice, he receives two citations and the rosette of the Legion of Honor 1 .

Owner of the Château de Flamanville , which he inherited from his father-in-law, the engineer Charles Milcent (brother of Louis Milcent ), André Rostand was elected mayor of the commune of Flamanville and general counselor of the canton of Pieux in 1919. He is Mayor of Flamanville until 1944 and sits on the General Council of the Channel until 1940, when he appointed member of the County Council of the Channel (alongside including Henri de Commines Marsilly, bound to Rostand).

Man of the press, he runs the newspaper La Depeche de Cherbourg from 1919 to 1940 and was the owner of the "Press Society of the Channel" with the deputies Bernard de La Groudière and Gustave Guérin . This company controlled notably the Cotentin , the Courrier de la Manche , the Mortainais , the Opinion of the Channel , etc.

Vice-president of the Union of Farmers of the Channel (under the chairmanship of Emile Damecour ) 2 , he became the first president of the regional fund of Crédit Agricole Mutuel de Basse-Normandie in 1928 3 and president of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Channel in 1933.

In January 1941 he became a member of the National Council , and in March 1942 he became Regional Trustee.

In 1946, he was elected member of the Board of Directors of the Departmental Federation of Farmers' Unions of the Manche, before finding, between 1949 and 1952, the presidency of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Channel.

Devoting himself to historical studies, he published various articles and works on the history of Normandy and Picardy . He becomes a member of the National Academic Society of Cherbourg November 7, 1928


Noyon, study read at the meeting of June 15, 1906 , 1906

Ancient ramparts of Picardy , 1907

In Laonnois , 1908

The Ancient Descriptions of Amiens Cathedral , 1911

The exhibition of old religious art of 's-Hertogenbosch , 1913

Some unpublished documents concerning the abbey of Saint-Evroul, preserved in the papers and correspondence of Montfaucon , 1913

The retable of Livry (Calvados) , 1914

The Future of the Township of the Pious , 1919

The region of Basse-Normandie. Report presented at the Congress of the Norman Association, June 26, 1920 , 1920

The Construction of the Church of Flamanville (Manche) (1669-1671) , 1922

Frescoes of the church of Omonville-la-Rogue (Manche) , 1922

Notes on the sculpture of the Middle Ages in the former diocese of Coutances , 1923

Travels and Negotiations of a Low-Norman Diplomat (1706-1715) , 1929

Barbey d'Aurevilly, history and historians , 1930

J.-B. Descamps (1715-1791) , 1936

The Architectural Work of the Benedictines of the Congregation of St. Maur in Normandy (1616-1789) , 1940

Bruised monuments of the liberated Cotentin , 1948


? Memoirs of National Academic Society of Cherbourg, Volume XXVII , 1969.

? Émile Damecour, Economic and financial illustration, special "La Mancha" supplement issue of August 28, 1926

? Jean-François Hamel, under the direction of René Gautier, Dictionary of remarkable characters of the Channel

Lucien Musset , "Bibliography of Mr. André Rostand" in Bulletin of the Society of Antique Dealers of Normandy, Volume 58 , 1968

Michel Boivin , The Manchois in the turmoil of the Second World War: 1939-1945, Volume 3 , 2004

Edmond Thin, Cherbourg, Cotentin sea bastion: history, testimony and documents , 1990

Pierre de Dalmassy, ??Henry Neel, "Obituary", Magazine of the Department of the Channel, No. 31-32, 1966é_Rostand I.S. 7/19/2018

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