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Caroline Sidney Sinkler

Artist Info
Caroline Sidney SinklerBelvidere Plantation, South Carolina, 1860 - 1949

"Enchantress of Philadelphia"; home at Eastern Point

Caroline Sidney Sinkler (1860-1949) was born on the Belvidere Plantation in Orange County, South Carolina. Sinkler purchased The Highlands from the Sheaff family in 1917. She resided year-round at the estate and made many improvements to it. She then sold the estate to her niece Emily Wharton Sinkler Roosevelt (1884-1970) in 1941. In 1916, Emily had married Nicholas Guy Roosevelt (1883-1965), third cousin to President Theodore Roosevelt. Emily Roosevelt later donated the property to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1957, retaining the right to occupy the property until her death. The state took over ownership after her death in 1970. The Highlands is now administered by The Highlands Historical Society. I.S. 1/8/2018

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