Hakon Napoleon Blikstad
...Hakon Napoleon Blikstad (1827–90), moved to Copenhagen to learn the craft of his father. Once he mastered it, he specialized in cutlery and surgical instruments, producing high quality pieces. Some years later, Hakon Napoleon moved to Trondhjem, maybe to get a bigger and better clientele, and he seems to have succeeded, since the census of 1865 shows him with a house of his own on 15 Tordenskjold Gate, where he lived with his wife Engelbærtine Bente Antonæte Hauff (1827–1891), from Christianssund (now Kristiansund), and their five chil-dren. From the same census, we know he had three apprentices and two female servants. He must have been a man with a liberal frame of mind, interacting with people from different places...
Hakon Napoleon, was an open-minded man who very likely came into contact with people from different countries who arrived in the city of Trondhjem to go fishing (besides his specialties in cutlery and surgical instruments, Hakon Napoleon Blikstad was also a specialist in hooks and fishing implements)....
Maria Alvarez-Solar, "The Blikstad Family: Saga of Emigrants in Norway, Spain, and Brazil. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2016. p.232.
See Thoresens blog http://kniver.blogspot.no/search/label/Blikstad.
Kolstad, Knivbladet 5 (1991). Koldstad’s work ofers a very detailed summary of the cutlery work of Hakon Napoleon Blikstad. See Harald Kolstads introduction in Knivbladet 6 (1992).