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Abdullah Frères

Artist Info
Abdullah FrèresIstanbul, 1858 - 1899

The studio "Abdullah Frères" was established in 1858 when the three Abdullah brothers, Kevork, Vichen and Hovsep, purchased a studio from Rabach, a German chemist, located in Istanbul. According to Cizgen, the brothers sold this studio in 1867 and moved to a new location in Péra, in another section of Istanbul. This studio was also called "Abdullah Frères." In 1863, Abdullah Frères became the official court photographers of the Sultan Abdulaziz. In 1886, Kevork Abdullah opened a branch studio in Cairo, Egypt which operated until 1895. Abdullah Frères sold their studio in 1899 to the firm of Sébah & Joaillier. The firm specialized in photographing personalities visiting the Ottoman Empire, landscape, villages, and Constantinople and its monuments. Getty ULAN, accessed 11/1/18 MP

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Adelia Smith Stewart
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