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Thomas Buck and Roger Daniel

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Thomas Buck and Roger Danielactive Cambridge, 1626 - 1650

Printers to the Universitie of Cambridge

LC name authority for Thomas Buck rec. no. no96045857

LC Heading: Buck, Thomas

found: Plomer, H.R. A dict. of the booksellers and printers ... in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667, 1907 (Buck, Thomas; printer and bookbinder at Cambridge, 1625-70; appointed by Grace [as University Printer], July 13, 1626; had several partners including Leonard Green, John Buck and Roger Daniel; apparently active off and on in the office until his death in 1670).

LC name authority for Roger Daniel rec. nr95012973

LC Heading:Daniel, Roger

found: Plomer, H. Dict. of the booksellers and printers ..., 1641 to 1667, 1907 (Daniel, Roger; printer and bookseller in London and Cambridge; London, 1. Angell in Lumbard; 2. Angell in Pope's Head Alley, 1627-66; 3. In vico vulgo dicto Pater-noster Row, Aula vero Lovelliana, 1651; Cambridge, Augustyne Fryers, 1632-50; probably at work for some years in London before joining Thomas Buck as one of the University printers in Cambridge; three London addresses may be the same shop; appointed one of the two printers to the University of Cambridge July 24 1632; Buck apparently retired for some time and Daniel carried on alone between 1640-1650; on June 1 1650, patent as University Printer ran out, but he continued business in London; last heard of in 1666).

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