Derome family, binders (Les Derome, Jacques-Antoine, Charles, Nicolas et Nicolas-Denis)
LC name authority nr2001008251
LC Heading: Derome, Jacques-Antoine, 1698-1760
Derome l'aine (elder):
found: Les relieurs français, 1500-1800, 1893: p. 250 (Derome, Jacques-Antoine; b. ca. 1696; d. Nov. 22, 1760; bookbinder)
For his biography see E. Thoinan, Étude, p. 230-231.
( Accessed January2016)
LC name authority recnr98019107
LC Heading: Derome, Nicolas-Denis, 1731-1788
Derome, Nicolas Denis, called le jeune (1731-1790):
Nicolas-Denis was born on 1 October 1731 and succeeded his father in 1760. He was the most expensive binder of his time but a skilfull craftsman. He was always in demand and had to be helped by other binders, which explains the differening quality of his bindings. He adopted the à la dentelle decoration. He introduced on his covers the celebrated fer à l'oiseau (bird) motif for which he became famous but which he did not invent. Derome le jeune and his family, signed with different tickets. The older and younger Deromes seem to have shared tools.
( Accessed January 2016)