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Bradbury, Agnew and Co.

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Bradbury, Agnew and London, 1872 - 1890

LC Name Authority record no.: no99016369

LC Heading: Bradbury, Agnew and Co.

From LC Name Authority record (, accessed on 7/10/2017 by S. Salvaggio):

London publishers and printers, c. 1800-1870, 1982: (Bradbury & Evans; Bouverie Street, 90 Fleet Street, & Whitefriars; imprints: 1834-65; other sources: 1830-1866; Bradbury, Evans & Co.; Bouverie Street, 90 Fleet Street, & Whitefriars; imprints: 1865-70; other sources: 1867-72; Bradbury, Agnew & Co.; Bouverie Street, 90 Fleet Street, & Whitefriars; imprints:1872; other sources: 1872-90)

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Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
C. Drury E. Fortnum
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