Verlag Bruno Cassirer
LC Name Authority record no.: n88295451
LC Heading: Verlag Bruno Cassirer
ULAN entry for their art gallery:
ID: 500308099
Name: Cassirer Galerie
From (accessed on 7/11/2017 by S. Salvaggio):
Bruno (1872-1941) and Paul (1871-1926) Cassirer were cousins who in 1898 opened an art gallery closely associated with the Berlin Secession. Their opening exhibition featured works of Degas, Meunier, and Liebermann. Later shows included Corinth, Slevogt, Hodler, Bocklin, and Trubner; the emphasis, however, was on French impressionists. Soon after opening their gallery, the Cassirers began publishing. Their ties to Max Liebermann are close; their first publications were a set of prints by Liebermann and his essay on Degas.