Alfred Alcibiades Fondacaro
active 20th century
Pianist and student of George Proctor
Relayed by Eileen Hughes, Senior Marketing Manager at ISGM, "The grandfather of the women I know from WGBH, Hollis MacArthur, told me that her grandfather was Alfredo Fondacaro and his brother was Joseph Foncaro. Alfredo was a concert pianist and played frequently at ISG's parties and gatherings. In addition, she apparently paid for a great deal of his education at New England Conservatory., She also paid for him and his brother Alfredo to study in Europe - specifically in Italy and France. Joseph became a sculptor and helped restore the U.S.S. Constitution with his wood carving. "
Person TypeIndividual
Last Updated8/7/24
London, 1830 - 1894, London
Hamburg, Germany, 1809 - 1847, Leipzig, Germany
Edgeworth, Pennsylvania, 1862 - 1901, New Haven, Connecticut
founded Edinburgh, 1795
New Malden, Kingston-upon-Thames, England, 1873 - 1951, Miami, Florida