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(c) 2015 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Sebald Schreyer
(c) 2015 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
(c) 2015 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston

Sebald Schreyer

active Nuremberg, 1446 - 1520
BiographyLC name authority rec.n00077022
LC Heading: Schreyer, Sebald, 1446-1520

found: Repertorium sive tabula generalis auctoritatum Aristotelis cum commento. Repertorium siue tabula generalis auctoritatum Arestotelis cu[m] commento ..., ca. 1491; leaf kij (Sebaldus Schreier)
found: Will, G.A. Nürnbergisches Gelehrten-Lexicon, 1755-1758): (Schreyer, Sebald, d. 1520; in charge of Sebalduskirche, Nuremberg, from 1482-1503)
found: Allegemeine deutsche Biographie: (Schreyer, Sebald, b. 8 June 1446; d. 22 May 1520)
Person TypeIndividual
Last Updated8/7/24