George Rodier
active Paris, late 19th century - early 20th century
can't find in LCNAF, ULAN, or Google other than that is a painter
I.S. 1/5/2018
I have not been able to find evidence to link George Rodier (writer of letters to ISG) and Georges Rodier (French philospher and author), though they may be the same person. A book by Georges Rodier titled L'Orient is in the ISGM collection. A George Rodier, who lived at 112 Boulevard des Courcelles (see letter to ISG, is listed in the following sources:
Letter from Marcel Proust to Reynaldo Hahn dated 24 December 1911 ( mentions a George Rodier that lives at 112 Boulevard des Courcelles.
Le livre d'Or des salons 1905 ( mentions a George Rodier that lives at 112 Boulevard des Courcelles
Tout Paris, Vol. 21 dated 1905 ( mentions a George Rodier that lives at 112 Boulevard des Courcelles
All accessed 5/3/19 M Phelps
Person TypeIndividual
Last Updated8/7/24
Villers-Cotterêts, France, 1802 - 1870, Dieppe, France
Paris, 1853 - 1926, Paris
Naples, 1325 - 1382, Muro Lucano
Kelloe, England, 1806 - 1861, Florence
Paris, about 1836 - 1921, Aiken, South Carolina