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(c) 2014 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Girolamo da Nola
(c) 2014 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
(c) 2014 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston

Girolamo da Nola

active Nola, late 16th century - early 17th century
BiographyFrater Hieronymus Nolanus, or Fra’ Girolamo da Nola, a town to the north-east of Naples. He was also responsible for copying Sant’Anastasia, Biblioteca del convento di Madonna dell’Arco, cor. I, 1,
an Antiphonary-Gradual which he signed “Fr[ater] Hieronymus Nolan[us] ex Provincia S[anc]t[a]e Catherin[a]e de Senis scribebat in co[n]venctu S[anc]t[a]e M[arie] ab Arcu a[n]no d[omi]ni 1614” on folio 15941.
Person TypeIndividual
Last Updated8/7/24