Muriel White
1880 - 1943
Margaret Muriel White
Birthdate: October 12, 1880 (62)
Birthplace: Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France
Death: March 13, 1943 (62)
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Henry White, U.S. Ambassador to Italy and France and Margaret ('Daisy') White
Wife of Graf Ernst Hans Christoph Roger Hermann
Mother of Gräfin Margarete von Scherr-Thoss; Graf Roger (Boysie)Heinrich Hermann Ernst Hans Christoph and Graf Ernst Hans Christoph Heinrich Leopold Antonius HERMANN von Seherr-Thoss
Sister of John C. White, U.S. Ambassador to Haiti and Peru I.S. 1/11/2018
Civil Ceremony Performed by Parisian Mayor in Presence of Few Mem. bers of the Two Families. Church Rites Today
[By Associated Press.) PARIS, April 28.—Dressed In a simple gown of blue voile and wearing a large black hat. Miss Muriel White, daughter of the American ambassador to France, was married at noon today to Count Honmann Seherr-Thoss, an officer of tlie royal Prussian cuirasscurs. The simple civil ceremony was performed in person by Roger Alton, the mayor. Only a few of the immediate members of the families of the bride and groom were present. Ambassador White and William H. Buckles, secretary of the American legation at Madrid, acted as witnesses for the bride, while Count SeherrThoss and Prince yon Radolin, the German ambassador to France, acted for the groom. The others present were Mrs. White, Count and Countess Montsaulin and W. K. Vanderbllt, Mr. ami Mrs. Rutherford Stuyvesant, Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Rutherford, Miss Buckles, Jack White and the members of the American embassy. Countess Seherr-Thoss, the groom's mother, was not present on account of ill health. The ceremony consisted of a recitation of the laws of the French republic denning the obligations of husband and wife and the subscription of the couple thereto. The marriage register showed the agd of the groom to be 30 and of the bride to 29 years. The religious marriage, which will be much more pretentious, will take place at St. Joseph's church tomorrow. The bride will be given away by her brother. Jack White. The groom's gifts to the bride were a caboehon sapphire and diamond bracelet and a ring. Count and Countess Seherr-Thoss gave the bride a diamond crescent, t:\ble silverware, a piano and furniture. Gets Auto Ambassador White gave his son-in-lnw a motor car and Mrs. White gave I him a silver-mounted dressing case. Mr. and Mrs. White gave their daughter a diamond tiara and earrings, a dinner service and a dressing case. The action of the Catholic church authorities in forbidding a Protestant service in connection with the marriage Is causing much gossip in diplomatic circles. It is now learned that the real opposition came more from Cardinal Knpp, bishop of Breslau, than from Mgr. Amiette, archbishop of Paris. No attempt was made to secure permission to hold a Protestant service, as has been intimated in dispatches from Rome. It was simply desired, following numeroUD precedents of mixed marriages which were cited, that the dispensation for the marrlrago should not contain an expressed inhibition against the groom attending another religious ceremony. The archbishop of Paris, it is understood, declared the Catholics in America were too liberal and the opportunity to make an example in the ease of tlie American ambassador should not be neglected.
Los Angeles Herald, Volume 36, Number 210, 29 April 1909 I.S. 1/11/2018
Person TypeIndividual
Last Updated8/7/24
Sydney, Australia, 1866 - 1941, Charleston, South Carolina
Auchlunies, 1825 - 1916, Brighton
Bonn, Germany, 1770 - 1827, Vienna
Steventon, England, 1775 - 1817, Winchester, England
Buffalo, New York, 1864 - 1947, Baltimore, Maryland
Boston, 1846 - 1894, Dinard, France
Villers-Cotterêts, France, 1802 - 1870, Dieppe, France