Clarendon Press
British, founded 1586
LC Heading: Oxford University Press
found: Oxford University Press, via WWW, 18 April 2014 (University of Oxford first given the right to print books in 1586; Joseph Barnes became the university's first printer at that time; the status of the press was formalized in 1633; Oxford University Press expanded significantly in the late 1800s, now has offices in 50 countries. It is the largest university press in the world.)
Person TypeInstitution
Last Updated8/7/24
active London, 1843 - 1860
British, 1864 - 1912
Southwater, England, 1675 - 1736, London
Walmer, England, 1844 - 1930, Oxford, England
Bredfield, England, 1809 - 1883, Merton, England
London, 1843 - 1932, Godalming, England