Sophus Williams
circa 1835 - 1900
Sophus Vilhelm Schou was a son of Jørgen Christian Schou and Frederikke Christine Schwalbe. He went to London in 1859 and came to Berlin at an unknown time, where he pretended to be an Englishman. He was married to Agnes Klitz (1843-1911).
E. Linde & Co.
In March 1868 Sophus Williams took over with the merchant Rudolph Gustav Leonhard Reinhold Knaak the trading company E. Linde & Co. of the art dealer Emanuel Linde in the Leipziger road 31/32. [1]
Sophus Williams moved many photographers, u. a. also that of the photographer and publisher J. [ohann] F. [riedrich] Stiehm (1826-1902). Both were members of the Berlin photographic association . [2] In 1873, the company participated at the World Exhibition in Vienna. [3]
The publisher of Sophus Williams became known for his pictures of sights in different formats stereoscopic images, Carte de Visite and Cabinet format , and also Leporellos . [4] He developed it for. T. quite extensive series.
"Sophus Williams." Wikipedia. Retrieved 13 August 2019 from N.C. Translated from German by Google Translate.
In LOC Name Authorities and PIC from NYPL
Person TypeIndividual
Last Updated8/7/24
Saint-Remèze, 1765 - 1848, Paris
San Francisco, California, 1887 - 1981, Stamford, Connecticut
Deep River, Connecticut, 1868 - 1953, Princeton, New Jersey
active London, Oxford and Edinburgh, about 1666 - 1742
Portsmouth, England, 1828 - 1909, Box Hill, England
Salem, Massachusetts, 1862 - 1946, Boston