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(c) 2014 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
William Powell Mason
(c) 2014 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
(c) 2014 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
(c) 2014 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston

William Powell Mason

Boston, 1835 - 1901, Vienna
BiographyNews was received in this city yesterday of the death of William Powell Mason which occurred Vienna. Pneumonia was given as the cause.

Mr. Mason was between 60 and 70 years of age, and was a Harvard man, graduating in the class of 1856, and getting his L.L. B. in 1861. He accepted a staff appointment soon after graduation from the law school, and served through the Civil War.

Mr. Mason's father was a prominent man and a large owner of real estate. Mr. Mason himself became connected with some of the largest business enterprises of the city. He was intimately connected with the management of the Sulfolk Savings Bank, the Merchants' National Bank, the Edison Illuminating Company and several cotton manufacturing companies.

His wife who was a daughter of George Peabody of Salem, died about three years ago. They had two children, a son, now dead, and a daughter, Miss Fannie Mason, who usually traveled with him, and was with him at the time of his death.

Mr. Mason had been away from this country about six months, intending to be away for a year. He was a member of the Somerset Club, the Eastern Yacht Club, Marblehead, the Essex Country Club and the Country Club of Brookline. [ DJackson 6/3/2021]
Person TypeIndividual
Last Updated5/8/24