Janet E. Ruutz-Rees
1842 - 1954, Greenwich, CT
d. Louis Emile and Janet (Meugens) Ruutz-Rees; came to U.S., 1883; LL.A., St. Andrew’s (Scotland), 1904; Élève Tit. École des Hautes Études, U. of Paris, 1906; M.A., Columbia. 1907, Ph.D., 1909; children (adopted)—Roland, Elizabeth (Mrs. James Brickell). Taught in various pvt. schs., 1885-90; founded Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, Conn., 1890, now at Greenwich, Conn., ret. Chmn. Conn. Div. Woman’s Com. Council Nat. Def., 1917; chmn. for Conn. of Women’s Overseas Canteen Sect., Y.M.C.A., 1918; mem. Conn. State Council Def., 1918; mem. Dem. Nat. Com., Dem. State Central Com. until 1926; mem. edn. com. English-Spearking Union; trustee Fairfield State Hosp. to 1948; state chmn., NRA, 1933; hon. chmn. Greenwich Chpt. Brit. War Relief; former chmn. Greenwich Br. Brit-Am. Ambulance Corps. Mem. price and rationing bd. OPA. Mem. Greenwich Bd. Edn. Mem. Archaeol. Inst. Am., Classical Assn. of N.E., Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Modern Lang. Assn., Soc. des Études Rabelaisiennes, Mus. of French Art, Nat. Inst. of Social Sci. Episcopalian. Clubs: Field (Greenwich); Cosmopolitan (N.Y.C.); Albemarle, Women’s University (London); Union Interallie (Paris). Author: Charles de Sainte Marthe, a study in the French Renaissance; Places and Other Poems, 1947. Contbr. Modern Lang. Assn. Publ., Modern Lang. Notes, Romanic Rev., etc. Home: Greenwich, Conn. Death: Died Feb. 15, 1954.
("Ruutz-rees, Caroline". 2009. In Marquis Who Was Who in America 1607-1984, MarquisWho'sWho. New Providence: Marquis Who's Who LLC.Accessed September 2015. www.credoreference.com).
Person TypeIndividual
Last Updated8/7/24
Middletown, Connecticut, 1855 - 1922, Richmond Beach, Washington
Bordentown, New Jersey, 1844 - 1909, New York
Hartford, 1878 - 1939
England, 1869 - 1954, Stonington, Connecticut
Ledbury, England, 1878 - 1967, near Abingdon, England