Fields, Osgood & Co.
active, Boston, 1868-1871
found: Cost of books of Ticknor and Fields ... 1949: p. xv, etc. (Fields, Osgood and Co.; Ticknor and Fields; James R. Osgood and Co.; Boston, Mass. publishing firm in existence from 1868 to 1871; Ticknor and Fields in existence from 1854 to 1868; James R. Osgood was admitted to the partnership in 1864; Howard M. Ticknor withdrew from the firm in 1868 and name then changed to Fields, Osgood and Co.; in 1871 James T. Fields retired and name changed to James R. Osgood and Co.)
Person TypeInstitution
Last Updated8/7/24
American, 1870 - 1885
active Boston, 1845 - 1854
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1817 - 1881, Boston
American, active 1828 - 1903
near Treviso, about 1459 - 1517, Conegliano or Venice
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1836 - 1907, Boston
Château Saint-Leonard, France, 1856 - 1935, Florence