Charles Scribner's Sons
active New York, 1878 - 1984
This chronology provides a selected list of important dates and events in the history of the firm, noting partnerships, organizational changes, and changes in location. In addition, significant publications, and publishing series, are identified for each year--selected for the importance of the authors, from a literary standpoint and/or from their commercial benefit to the firm, for the subject, or for the publishing achievement itself, such as the number of volumes involved and the quantity of illustrations. For some titles, particularly early ones, only the copyright dates are available in the firm's records. (
Person TypeInstitution
Last Updated8/7/24
Deep River, Connecticut, 1868 - 1953, Princeton, New Jersey
Boston, 1848 - 1913, Vevey, Switzerland
Villers-Cotterêts, France, 1802 - 1870, Dieppe, France
Providence, Rhode Island, 1860 - 1941, Boston
Bordentown, New Jersey, 1844 - 1909, New York